
 Endowment fund 

St. James Catholic School has established and maintains an Endowment Fund. The purpose of this fund is to receive and administer contributions, gifts and grants for the benefit of St. James Catholic School and to have funds available in the event of an emergency or unplanned large expenditure that cannot be funded through other means. The Endowment Fund provides for long-term financial security for the school. Our desire is to increase the Endowment Fund to an amount that will allow the school to minimize future tuition increases by using investment earning from the Fund to pay for regular operating expenses.

10% of all school fundraising net proceeds are deposited in the Endowment Fund.

 Scholarship Fund

Sr. Kathleen Loughrin, Bonnie Moschkau, and Sharon Barry Scholarship Fund

These scholarships are awarded to students of registered parishioners of Good Shepherd Parish to continue the education of their children at St. James Catholic School and are based on both need and merit. Please take this occasion to underwrite and shape a young student's education and future.


St. James has an outstanding SCRIP program, and the value adds up fast!


Anytime, anywhere! Click here and create a family account. From there, you will have the ability to order gift cards, ScripNow!, or reload cards you have already purchased from the Spartan Moolah Scrip program.To obtain the St. James Catholic School enrollment code, please e-mail the Scrip coordinator at


Spartan Moolah Scrip is available for purchase in the school lobby immediately after school on Mondays and Thursdays. We have popular Scrip cards in our inventory so you can purchase and receive your Scrip right away. You can also print and drop off the order form in the school office.

School families will receive 50% of the profits earned from their purchases back via a tuition credit. Credits will be applied to your tuition account after April 1st.

Michelle Larson
Spartan Moolah Scrip Coordinator

Spartan Stampede

During October, the St. James Catholic School Home and School Association hosts a 1-mile run/walk event known as the Spartan Stampede. This event is more than just a fundraiser; it builds community and is attended by current and past St. James families. The race day t-shirt features artwork from the student logo contest winner.

The 2023 Spartan Stampede is scheduled for Saturday, October 21st at McKee Farms Park in Fitchburg.

Everyone is welcome to register online at or complete a paper registration in the school office.

For more information, or to sponsor:

Lauren McCall

Parish Festival

Good Shepherd Parish has an annual Fall Festival, highlighted by the annual Hidden Treasure Sale, Pfeffernuse Cookies, a delicious Chicken Dinner with all the trimmings, a Silent Auction, Children’s Games, Craft Sale and a myriad of other events. School families contribute time, talent, and treasure to this event.