Our Mission

St. James Catholic School in Madison, Wisconsin offers a quality education based in our Catholic faith, traditions, and practices that will develop leaders of the future, offer the highest standards in academic education, and form responsible citizens who are stewards of the earth's resources.
We believe in Jesus, and his compassionate model is our guide. At St. James Catholic School in Madison, Wisconsin, we believe that it is our responsibility to use the best tools and resources available to us in order to provide our students with an education that lays the groundwork for a lifetime of success and achievement. We strive to balance best practices in teaching, learning, and formation with the benefits of a traditional Catholic education.
St. James Catholic School is fully accredited by the Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools (WCRIS). WCRIS is responsible for the implementation of the accreditation process for Wisconsin Catholic Schools. The accreditation process occurs on a seven-year cycle, which St. James Catholic School most recently completed in the Fall of 2018.